How N95 Masks works

Prior to March 2020, there’s a good chance you didn’t know what an N95 mask was, or at least didn’t think about them unless you were doing a home repair project with lots of dust, or live in a part of the world with crazy pollution or wildfire smoke. And upon learning about them, you might think (like I did) that an N95 mask is basically a really really fine strainer: a mesh of fibers with gaps too small for dust and other airborne particles to get through. 

A strainer filters out particles larger than its openings, and not particles smaller than its openings. So with a mask you’d expect that after a certain point, small enough particles will sneak through. But this isn’t how N95 masks work: the particles they filter are generally much smaller than the gaps between fibers in the mask! What’s more, an N95 mask is actually really really good at filtering both the largest and smallest small particles -- it’s medium-sized small particles that are hardest for it to block. This isn’t at all like a strainer, because N95s are much cleverer than strainers. 

The overarching goal of an N95 mask is instead to get an airborne particle to touch a fiber in the mask. Regardless of how big an airborne particle is, once it touches a fiber, it stays stuck to it and doesn’t become airborne again. This isn’t anything special about the fibers, but about the size of the particles. At a microscopic scale everything is sticky, because the weakly attractive force between molecules IS strong enough to hold small things in place (Van der Waals force). So you shouldn’t think of N95 masks like a fine window screen that keeps insects of a certain size out; you should think of them more like a sticky spider web that can catch an insect of any size, as long as it touches a strand. And so N95 masks use a bunch of different clever physics and mechanical tricks to get particles to touch their fibers. 

First, many spiderwebs are better than one. Unlike strainers, where stacking many identical ones doesn’t improve the filtering at all, more layers of sticky fibers means more chances for particles to get stuck. And how likely particles are to hit or miss a fiber depends in large part on their size. Particles larger than a thousandth of a millimeter basically travel in straight lines, because of their inertia. And because there are so many layers of fibers, their straight line paths are essentially guaranteed to hit a fiber and stick(capture by inertial impaction). Airborne particles that are really really small are so light that collisions with air molecules literally bounce them around, so they move in a random zig-zag pattern known as Brownian motion. This zig-zagging also makes it super likely that a particle will bump into a fiber and get stuck(capture by diffusion). Particles of in-between sizes are the hardest to filter. That’s because they don’t travel in straight lines, and they also don’t bounce around randomly. Instead, they’re carried along with the air as it flows around fibers, meaning they’re likely to get carried past fibers and sneak through even a mask with many layers. But N95 masks have a final trick up their sleeve. They can attract particles of all sizes to them using an electric field. In the presence of an electric field even neutral particles develop an internal electrical imbalance which attracts them to the source of the field. This is why neutrally-charged Styrofoam sticks to an abused cat - I mean, a cat whose fur has been charged with static electricity. And how static electricity helps N95 mask fibers attract all particles. But unlike a cat’s fur, an N95 mask’s electric field isn’t just ordinary static electricity. Their fibers are like permanent magnets, but for electricity: electrets! Just like you can permanently magnetize a piece of iron by putting it in a strong enough magnetic field, you can ‘electretize’ a piece of plastic to give it a permanent electric field. By electretizing the fibers in an N95 mask, they gain a long-lasting ability to attract particles, which means they capture about 10 times as many particles as regular fibers. And this is, after all, the point of an N95 mask: filter out particles from the air. By taking advantage of the molecular scale stickiness of matter, using many layers of fibers that catch straight-moving large particles as well as zig-zagging small particles, and having an electric field that attracts all particles, you get a mask - not a strainer - that’s really good at trapping both small and large particles, and does a reasonably good job at filtering out middle sized particles. Precisely what fraction of those sneaky medium-sized particles get blocked gives you the number of the mask - if at least 95% of those particles are filtered out, then the mask is rated N95. Ok, so N95 masks can be very effective. But if you’re a healthcare worker wearing one of them, here are a few important things to look out for. 

The biggest influence on the performance of an N95 mask isn’t actually the mask - it's whether you wear it properly. If a mask isn’t fully sealed on your face, air (& particles you’re trying to filter) can just bypass the filter entirely. Dust, smoke, pollen, bacteria, and viruses all have different sizes, and so are filtered by N95 masks to different extents. However, germs for airborne illnesses don’t usually travel on their own – we breathe or cough them out in droplets which have a wide range of sizes. So the size of the virus or bacteria itself isn’t particularly relevant. N95 masks are intended to be disposable, but the demand from COVID-19 has led to a global shortage of N95 masks and the reality is that health workers have to reuse them - and thus decontaminate them. It’s important to be aware that certain kinds of decontamination (for example, using alcohol or liquids) can damage the electrostatic properties of a mask and destroy their filtering ability, even if the mask appears visually unaffected. N95decon is a volunteer team of scientists developing and sharing research-based decontamination methods so that masks can be reused during this crisis

Thanks for reading !!

Blue Tint while opening notification menu for windows 10 [fixed]

 Blue tint on screen while opening notifications in Windows 10

The issue is due to the improper screen resolution in your windows laptop. If you have either connected to a secondary display or extended  it, this may cause the display resolution setting and will be showing wrong colors. 

The issue will be mostly happen when you try to access any inbuild settings screen like expanding notifications or opening the settings from start menu. 

For fixing the same , you can change the display resolution and this would help.

Follow the below steps , 

> Open ease of access

> Change the resolution 

For me it is showing 125% as the recommended, but we can change it to 100%. If we change the resolution, the fonts will get smaller and we have another option to change the display fonts size on just scrolling to the top section.

>Change font size 

I have set my display size for apps to 100% and then changed the font size to 120% from 100%. Now the blue tint on my screen is gone.

If this fix doesn't worked for you, then please let me know in comments section.

Youtube down - Error loading page

When youtube is down, the following screens are shown.

I will be coming up with more details on this error soon.
Thanks for viewing.

Things you should know before and after Buying a Smartphone.

Smartphones are one of the things that we can't avoid throughout our day to day life. These junkies come to our life after 2000's . Now, its been calculated that there are more than 2 million smartphones sold out daily. Before you buy a smartphone , you should know several things . So let's get started .

1. Operating System

                            Although there are several operating systems available for smartphones , among those Windows , Android and iOS are most popular. It's upto you to choose one among these. Well lemme help you .
In a classical sense , I will help to choose which one do you want 

> Windows 
  • Offers faster performance.
  • Good in terms of browsing
  • Security
  • Both the PC's and Phones are integrated to single tier structure.
If you are not very social then it's good for you to afford a windows phone. Although you have to compromise with ,
  • Less support with store
  • Only few applications
  • Most of them are paid
  • High security with file sharing , ( we can't easily transfer files from one phone to another throughout wifi or something , there are some apps will make you support for these , like shareit but, it's totaly frigging and slow. )
  • No lag 
  • Long lasting
  • Best in bug fixes 
  • good in terms of security
The iOS also have problems like low store support , apps and games. we can only transfer files through pc or bluetooth. wifi transfer is not easier. 

  • Value for money
  • you can play with custom rom
  • good in terms of performance
I'm a huge android fan. it's an open source , so you can expect more from these. File sharing and all are easily. Android gives very good support for the developers , they dont have to spend a lot in developing and uploading an app to play-store.   you have to compormise with, 
  • Less secure
  • High in processor utilization.
There are several other problems for android, and yes if you are a smart buyer , I recommend you to try android at first.

  • Secure web browsing
  • security
  • no Lag

Blaberry is popular with it’s security , but it also have problem with user interface and app support. Anyhow all these are just basic things that you may consider before choosing an OS.


                     The most important part all of you consider is the hardware , and yes you all check the specifications before checking out the hardware. I will give you a detailed information about it . At first I personally