Things you need to know about sleeping !!

08:35 Sreekanth R 0 Comments

Almost every animals in this world will sleep at a particular time, there are some exceptions like
" bullfrog " , studies have shown that bull frogs are showing full responsiveness when they are awake or even resting.

For humans sleeping is very essential , which is one of the important factor in their life. It is calculated that an average person will sleep for approx 24-years throughout entire life time.
An adult requires about 7-8 hours sleep and for an adolescence is 10 hours. All these are just scientific calculations , now lets talk about science of sleeping.

There are several types of sleeping , (sleeping at night, sleeping in classrooms, sleeping after eating food) the perfect sleep occurs when sleep inducing chemicals are raised in our body. The sleep inducing chemicals are Adenosine and Melatonin , which will make our sleep more deeper also decreases breathing and heart beats. The secretion of these chemicals will occur according to our surrounding conditions (darkness, sounds of cricket , etc).

Sleeping causes repairing of our DNA . During our waking hours our body cells will utilize energy , during this process there are several byproducts will be accumulated in our body. In our brain , the Adenosine will be clustered during end of day. The Adenosine increases the urge to sleep.
[The caffeine is well known for blocking the Adenosine receptors pathways , that's why people takes more coffee and tea are less likely to sleep ] It is just a case of Adenosine , but there are several other products will be present in our brain and if they are not cleared properly it will affects brain's working. Scientists have found that the Glymphatic system is a cleaning mechanism of our brain. It is active when we are sleep. It uses the CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid)  to cleanup the toxic chemicals and other factors which occur in our brain. The Lymphatic vessel present in our brain ( it is also a pathways for immune cells) will also play a vital role in cleaning out such toxic products in our brain.

Now you're thinking that "we will die, if we didn't sleep !!"

Yes , you will die.
In 1964, a high school student Randy Gardner hold the highest record for staying awake without sleep.

 He stayed awake for 264.4 hours (11 days and 24minutes), well that is the highest score for a human being , at first glance I thought 11 days is very easy for a human being to stay awake without sleep. Last year, I spend some days without sleeping oh man !! It's very tough , to stay awake without sleeping. The following are experiences of people who tried to stay awake without sleep;

>  Eyes will stop focusing
> Can't identify objects by touching
> Hallucination 
> Short term memory 
> Becomes paranoid 
> Hormonal imbalance
> Illness
> Death

All these are some of the responses I got from Internet, by the people who stayed awake without sleeping. There are several other problems happened for people who stayed awake. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetics are some of the other problems.These are occurred when you sleep more than 8 hours daily.

" How sleeping improves studying  !!"

The sleeping helps to improve our visual perception tasks and motor skill tasks. It is scientifically proved that, if you want to remember something then you have to sleep.!! Sleeping also helps to increase our memory , I've found 2 tricks which may help you in certain occasions.

#1. To remember something

I think you have heard people saying "That day in my life is unforgettable " , the unforgettable comes when you sleep properly, if you did something good in a day, and you're sleeping that with calm mind , then the memory of that day will remain for you forever. When you meet your loved ones, and the day becomes unforgettable to you all it's because of sleeping. It's kind of arrangement done by your brain in your memory. This is the reason for some people can't forget some others. !!

The another example is, if you want to play a musical instrument for eg: a guitar , and your figures are not responding to it,  You're trying to play a certain note for several days and still you can't do it. If you in this condition , don't worry sleeping will helps you to improve your skills, the thing you have to do is just practice your session for an hour and take a sleep for 3 hours.     I am very sure that if you practice like this then you will be able to handle everything which needs your motor nerves !!!
eg: rotating a football in your fingures , learning back flip, or even "dancing"  !!

#2. To forget something

You're in depression and you can't forget something happened to you recently or some of the incident is making you very sad, and you can't forget the same. At this situation most of us will
 " lay in  bed "  and you will try to take rest , but I will say you're doing completely wrong !! Because, lying in bed and taking nap will make you "remember the same" for years, so the better thing you have to do is, Stay active  for some days, don't try to sleep more. Try to sleep at late night, for some days. sleeping late night is a personal suggestion for you, It is not necessary to sleep late night for weeks, You have to sleep late night for some days,beginning from the day that incident happened to you. 

Anyways, the science of sleeping is still unknown at several points, scientists are still working on it, I am not suggesting you to break the record of Randy Gardner !! Let the history stay history!! Now a days people are suffering from Insomnia and several other problems without sleeping, If you can sleep properly in night then it is good for you . Over consumption of caffeine can also causes Insomnia.!!!

If you have any suggestion or complaints you may comment below or inbox me on facebook !!

Thank You !! :)