Is there God exist ?

09:03 Sreekanth R 0 Comments

Once I have been surfing the internet, I came to hear a great thought by Stephen Hawking. At first glance , his thought imparted a great deal of knowledge about god. The below paragraph shows his point of view towards god .

So when people ask me , "  if the god created the universe ?  " I tell them, the question itself makes no sense. "Time" didn't exist before the big-bang, so there is no time for the god to make the Universe. It is like asking for the directions to the edge of the earth, the earth is a sphere and it doesn't have an edge so looking for it is a futile  exercise. We are each free to believe what we want and that the simplest explanation is " there is no god ". No one created the universe and no one directs our fate this week lead's to a profound realization, there is probably no heaven and no afterlife either we have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that I am extremely grateful .  

The human specialty is to believe in something, we believe our parents, friends and our loved ones. If there are no one to believe , then people says " god is with me ". This is how , the god originated in human thoughts. There are several Religions in this earth and most of the people believes god.
Actually god is a thought of humans. They think that, it is necessary to get blessings of god to live in this planet. Without god ,we are nothing !!! The following are other thoughts about god,

> Parents created us, so parents are our god
> God is everywhere
> Only peoples whom help others will be blessed by gods
> God is our soul
> All living beings are created by god

There are several other thoughts about gods, we can see certain commonalities in these thoughts, as all of these thoughts gives us a positive energy. It's true that people feels good when there are several people to support them, if they are good or bad, it doesn't matter. It feels protectiveness when there are people around. The same feeling occurs when peoples talk about god. The feeling of protectiveness is itself "god".

We can't compare " Science " with " God ". Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment and when we compare science with god, then god is  just a hypothesis..!!!

Many theories were proposed which tells about the beginning of universe, big bang theory is the mostly accepted one, which states that universe is originated after a huge explosion. The time, matter, everything comes into role after a single explosion. The energy is converted into matter. The famous equation E = mc 2  that showed that the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body comes from the energy of motion of the body, the theory was proposed by a German-born physicist Albert Einstein.!!

You can either believe in science or your holy book. It depends you, but I will say you should follow both of them. The book will helps you buildup a good personality, and science will  your knowledge about physical world. God is a positive thought which will helps you to gain mental strength in certain situations through your life, my suggestion is not to be very superstitious .
Loving everything in this world will not make you weaker !!

" The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. " - Helen keller.