what is Addiction ??
When we talk about addictions, at first we will say the word "Heroin". The heroin causes heroin addiction, because if we injected the same to our body daily, after some days stopping the same causes our body to crave the drug violently and sometimes there is chance of causing Excoriation disorder ( because of certain chemicals present in it). This situation is called addiction.
Now you are thinking that " I don't use heroin , so I am not an addict ", but you are wrong , the Heroin is also used in hospitals!!!
If you break your hands, you will be taken into hospital and you will be given lots of Diamorphine for weeks or even months. Diamorphine is Heroin.
The Diamorphine which you gets from a hospital is more stronger than any addict that can get from a drug dealer. There are thousands of people which are given more concentrated heroin right now !!
so, these people will be addicts?? but no!!! they won't become addicts to these. Why???
The heroin is also used by soldiers , in their case they will be using these chemicals during entire war. But when they returned home, they won't become addicts.!!!
The peoples who returns from hospitals and war would not be addict to heroine, because they are returning to their friends and families. They are connected with others, in such a healthy manner.Human beings are supposed to stay connected with others, when we are happy and healthy we will stay connected with all of our friends and families. If we can't , in that case we are traumatized or beaten down by life, at this time we will bond to something else which will give some sort of relief....
It might me endlessly checking your phone , gaming, pornography, gambling etc
we will bond to something , because that is our human nature.
But these people are considered as a negative role in our society and put them in prisons.
The bonding should be in a way that , we have to avoid unhealthy bonds and give path to healthy bonds. The only way to recover from addictions is to stay connected with your friends and family.
This is the science of de-addiction centers, they will make people to stay calm by certain exercises like yoga !!
I think you all got information's about why people are getting addicted to certain factors. If you are sitting alone in your home and just reading this, try to remain calm for some time. It will helps increase your concentration level and boost you mental health.
I recommend try to browse this site, while you don't have any other work to do ..
>> calm.com