Top Websites Of 2016 !!

08:54 Sreekanth R 0 Comments


This is an educational website provided by MIT !!! This site helps users to Build Android apps online. Here, we don't have to bother about codding or SDK !! We can use blocks to make codes. almost all the features for Android development is Available here. Just Login to your google account while developing an Android app . While you  develop your app online , I recommend you to download it's emulator for your android Device. It's just 3.5 MB , using the emulator we can scan QR code provided in appInventor, thereafter you ll get a compiled version of your code to your android device. It's very easy to code and develop the app. You just need an idea of app !!
" That's all we wanted "   

goto: appInventor   (From your Desktop)
download emulator for android : MIT AI2 Companion ( 3.5 MB)

Wait But Why

Actually I'm also confused about this website, here cartoons are represented in very informative way, because it's a science website. There are lots of things discussed in a Comic manner. It's blog of Tim Urban ,   He also got chance to do a Ted talk about Procrastination ( Click here ).
goto : Wait but why


If you are found of Learning new Languages ,then you may visit this site. Duolingo provides tutorial for learning almost all the popular languages !! Once I also tried to learn " French :P " 
goto : Duolingo

Learn Networking

Eli is one of the best person , whom you can found for learning networking !! He has several tutorials , video sessions in tutorials of networking !!  It doesn't ends with networking he also provides tutorials for Windows, cloud computing , hacking  and Several other programming !!

Draw Flow Charts 

Drawing diagrams during our project session is one of the frigging things. We use software's like
Edraw Max  most of them are not Free. Here " " is one of the best site, 
which you can use to make Activity diagrams , Flow charts , State Diagrams , CFD, DFD all of them.

goto :

"  Thank You  "