Experience with Minibot

23:57 Sreekanth R 0 Comments

Minibot is a small robot which can find obstacles and avoid them. I made this device as our mini-project in our college. At the begining I don't have any idea about doing a mini project, futher I saw some of the people making arduino robots for there college projects on internet, and thereafter I though it will also gonna work with us. At the beginning I learned some basics of arduino through youtube and other websites. But it's gonna work with a hardware. Because learning to code is easy, but when we come with hardware , we should also bother about electronic circuits and all. Before buying an Arduino Uno , I started working with simulations of the same and thanks to Circuits.io . I learned about its working about 60% on that site. Several senors where present in market , so that we can connect those with our Arduino . I started learning how each pins work. It has got analog as well as digital pins for input/output. I can't figure out how these things are gonna work with different sensors through simulations. Because the simulations currently present on internet can only used to work with switches, servo motors, led's etc. But that also helped a lot for me. 

After learning several basics about the same, I bought a brand new Arduino uno from amazone. At first I learned lighting up led's and setting timers for each behavior etc. I also learned some basics with servo motors by connecting with pwm(Pulse with modulation) pins on it. And within a week I bought some other parts like motor driver (L298n) , Ultrasonic Sensor(hcsr04). The motor diver give a good feedback. It takes up-to 12v and make the motors rotate according to signals from arduino.

Motor control inspirebuddy

The next part was with Hcsr04 Ultrasonic sensor, as the name suggests, it is an ultrasonic senor which can detect ultrasonic waves and send signals to arduino. It has two eye like part where the ultrasonic signals will be emitted and collected. We will get an exact time duration of how long does it takes an ultrasonic wave to hit an object and returned back. So, we made some codes in arduino uno, for working with it and get distance of obstacles. The hcsr04 is placed above a servo motor so that it can turn left to find left distance and turn right to find right distance.The prototype was just designed as shown in internet, there are several other prototypes for connecting such an interface with arduino. But we don't wan't such a robotic interface, just a prototype is enough for us. So we designed our Minibot in a cardboard , there after connecting all the parts along with arduino we made it.

The next part was interacting with out PC , currently it was a tough job for me, because i'm not an expert in C# so we started learning a new language called Processing. It looks just like arduino IDE but there are lot's of difference. We made our interface quite stable with weeks of programming. 
The processing Interface is shown below, it shows radar , signals from Minibot controllers and keypads 

Final circut which our device was build just looks like this one which is shown below

We are making a tutorial for our entire project so that everybody get's inspired form this;
you can check my YouTube for more video updates;